Lanx HD

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  • Regular price €8.320,00
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The control unit of the LANX HD system is directly installed in the driver's cab and displays the weight loaded on-board in real time. It allows a reading axle by axle, net and gross or partial. LANX HD uses digital sensors positioned on the vehicle's suspensions and displays all data on an easy to read display, without having to push any keys. All round trips are automatically memorized without the requirement for operator intervention. The internal Database allows display of reports for each round trip, including date, time and weight data, as well as daily, weekly and monthly reports with individual and overall totals for all loads transported. All weighing data and individual reports can be transmitted via GPRS or printed out on a specially designed printer located in the cab. The USB reader connects with the LANX HD system allows to save the weights made through a USB Flash Drive device. The system pays for itself immediately because knowing the weight of the load when you travel means optimizing transport times and economic yield in complete safety.